

Guess what?

I lost 4lbs! This progress puts me at 19 down and 59 to-go! I’ve also busted clear through into a new weight decade and I’m only 8lbs away from the spin shoes I promised myself.

On Sunday, I put on a t-shirt that I bought 2 years ago which I never even attempted to wear because I knew it would be waaay too snug. But yesterday, I wore it. Yeah. That’s right.

This is so exciting because I’m right around the best weight that I got down to around 2004 – which is the lowest I’ve ever been as an adult – and I’m at the point where I can buy clothing at places other than the fat girl store.

Oh, Lane Bryant – don’t worry, I still have love for you, but I’ve changed, I’ve grown.. It’s not you, it’s me.

This week I definitely worked my buns off at spin and tweaked my intake – and I believe it shows in my results.

In other semi-related news, we leave for Amsterdam in a mere 11 days! I want to lose 3-4 more before we head out. I have 4 spin classes scheduled to help me hit that goal. Clearly, maintenance (if not loss) will be important while we’re away. I’m planning on doing a travel-tips post between now and then, so stay tuned, darlings.


About cat caperello

Writer, bike nerd, open road enthusiast.
This entry was posted in Amsterdam, bicycle, bike, choice, choose, Fitness, food, Gym, Health, Healthy, maintenance, motivation, Ride, Scale, Spin, Weigh in, Weight loss, Work out, Work-out and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.
